
Be a Polymath

Every child is told to specialize in one thing. Maybe, generally speaking, it’s the “right” choice, but I’d like my readers to explore being a Polymath.

Often times we choose an interest based on a subconscious decision, which supports one’s well-being. And this well-being is often short-sighted, in my opinion. One should perhaps try to value the significance of what I call Generics. Generics are abstract patterns one comes across by exposing the mind to different interests.

An excellent example of a Generic would be “Premature Optimization”.

One doesn’t start drawing the details of an eye without a rough sketch. One doesn’t swim in the ocean before trying in the pool. One doesn’t write complex software without a rough algorithm.

You get the point. Overshoot and then Optimize, not any other way.

Anyways, here are some advantages of being a polymath are,

So give it a shot.

Have some feedback or thoughts? Let me know — at hi@unexisted.com