

Hello, have a “good” day!

Why do we humans greet? Almost everyone greets. Is it cultural? Is it evolutionary? Maybe both? Maybe more?

It’s evident that it’s a conversation starter, which is what I’m doing right now with the readers, at least in a way. It’s also used to let the other(s) know of one’s presence.

There are also levels of greeting—a hierarchy based on one’s psychology.

The Arrogant may greet differently from the Humble. The Rich may greet differently from the Poor. A Child may greet differently from the Aged.

In each of these examples, the human psychological states are different. Here it’s the personality, status, and age, but there are many others. As an experiment, try to notice the tone, the sentence, the choice of words, and other distinct features of a greeting the next time you are being greeted.

And where are my manners?

Hello there, a stranger on the wire. My name is Irrelevant; nice to meet you.

Have some feedback or thoughts? Let me know — at hi@unexisted.com